enero 24, 2014

As a "QA/Test Manager" what are the challenges comes in Agile/Scrum software development process?

as a QA manager I want to survive the changes induced by Agile in organizations

    I do not consider it's an easy task to sustain the role of "QA/Test Manager" in an Agile environment, since this working model leverages organizations to focus on empowering development teams, where typically the QA (quality assurance) as operational activity in itself, is made by all without a dedicated department or dedicated individual. 
In this same sense, Agile tends to eliminate any role with low operational productivity. 
Then, accepting as valid the existence of this role perhaps the challenge is in terms of changing the mindset, turning from a situation where to drive work with rigid plans, and exhaustive controls is the stright path, to flexibility in the kind of work to perform and services to provide with great technical and communication skills.
In a way is to maintain active communication between teams, facilitating integration with development teams of individuals that leads.

    For something like this to happen, managers must facilitate their employees increase and improve their technical and communication skills through proper training. Investment should also be made in terms of participation in projects of different criticalities and risks, where the role of collaborators has the necessary and sufficient delegation of authority for administrative and technical. 

Also see: The Role of the Test Manager in an Agile Organization

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